Peddie (Patricia and Eddie) Wiki
  • Eddie offered to make Patricia one of his sandwhiches for her breakfast.
  • When Patricia had to go with the rest of Sibuna gang, Eddie looked upset.
  • After seeing Eddie's reaction, Mara told Patricia that she had to act more like a couple instead of acting like she was enemies with Eddie.
  • Patricia sat next to Eddie in class and held his hand.
    Peddie (5)
  • Patricia asked if they should share an intrest.
  • She started to name stuff that she hated and Eddie told her he knew she hated them things.
  • Patricia wanted to share her sandwich with Eddie and said that's what "couples do".
  • Patricia took a bit out of Eddie's tuna sandwich which, once again Eddie knew she hated.
  • Eddie called Patricia a sub thief and smirked at her.
  • When Patricia had to leave, she said bye to Eddie.
  • When she was leaving she spat out the bit of tuna which she was eating.
  • When Patricia called Eddie "fish face", he smiled.
  • Eddie smiled and was glad Patricia acted like herself again.